Sunday, November 18, 2012


19. Court & Cayuga
Artist: Oona Stern

This box is basically painted in a faux wood grain style.  However, I find it totally unconvincing.  Not only is the color scheme wrong, but the paint has dripped in multiple places ruining the effect.  The design is good with well spaced lines.  Unfortunately, the execution was poor.

In the next two images it is possible to see that the design does not cover the section where the box is attached to the pole.  I imagine this section was very difficult to paint.  All of the artist's painting pole-mounted boxes had some interruption as a result.  The interruption in this one is unobtrusive.

Check out this artists website for information about her other projects.  I quite like a pair of pebble sculpture installations she did entitled "meander".

Next Update: Bohemian Peacock


The weather and my health finally both cooperated with my 21 Boxes photography project.  Friday was a beautifully sunny day.  I felt good enough to actually get out of the house.  I got a bit overly enthusiastic and photographed several boxes.

6.  Court & Aurora
Artist: Shira Evergreen

I love the minimalism of this one!  The silver parts are unpainted metal.


As you can see the artist painted the title "Renewbot" across the top.

These windmills on the back indicate that Renewbot probably supports renewable energy.  The white patch toward the bottom is a sticker advertising a website about renewable energy.

Despite it's minimalistic nature this mural has some great detail.  Here you can see a power level meter and some sort of panel with wires.

In short, this is a great classic robot with sweet minimalist appeal.

You can find information about the artist and her myriad of activities at

Next Update: Alchemy